You can Make A Difference In this world
Nourishing Lives
What We Do
ServingHandz is a student-led organization dedicated to supporting homeless individuals in local communities by providing essential supplies and resources. Through donation drives and community service, they foster compassion and unity while addressing immediate needs.

Clothes Donated
Meals Donated

A Video to Guide You...
Want to learn more about us? Watch this video to see how we grew from a small club started by just three passionate individuals into a thriving high school organization and nonprofit making a lasting impact in our community. Every aspect of this club has been built with dedication, hard work, and inspiration. As we continue to expand, we’re proud to carry forward the legacy of service, compassion, and positive change for years to come.

Donations and Contributions
Your generous contributions will help support local initiatives, provide essential resources to those in need, and foster a stronger, more caring community for all. Together, we can create a positive impact and bring hope to those facing challenges. Join us in giving back and uplifting our community today!”
Our Testimonial
What Our Sponsors Say
"Working with Serving Handz has been and honor coming from us. We belive that their initative has had a profound impact on the community and we plan on collaborating with them more".

High-School Club
"Coming from a STEM related Club, it's noticeable that Serving Handz has clearly shown impact and a willingness to promote positive change in the High School and even towards California."

High School Club
"When working with Serving Handz on the 1K meals event, we enjoyed every minute with them and shared similar interests, particularly the rationale behind the development of this Club"

High School Club
"Writing postcards to military soldiers coming back from deployment alligns with the belief of Serving Handz and their idea of giving back to the community and what they've done for us. We hope to work with them more in the future".

Non-Profit Organization
"When they willingly cooperated with us for the 1k meals event, we were very proud of the way they took care of the environment around them when packing the meals. This is something ServingHandz doesn't receive enough credit."

Non-Profit Organization
"Working close with Harish as the president, he's always been someone who supported religious morals by showing hospitality towards the homelessness. We are proud that he has inspired others to continue this mission."

Non-Profit Organization
"With the vast amounts of donations we've received from them, its pretty safe to say that they have been one of the most consistent clubs I've ever seen in promoting their misson of helping homeless communities. We really hope they continue this upward trajectory even throughout their life".

Our Sponsors
"Working with Serving Handz and supplying their goods they need, we have grown close to them and in their mission".

Our Sponsors
"Another one of Serving Handz sponsors, we've sponsored a couple of their events and we'd like to say that it was something worth our time to invest into. I belive that their future is bright and their morals are also something I don't see a lot in teenagers nowadays".

Our Sponsors
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Community Events Sponsored
Working with Serving Handz on the Day of the Beach Event, we are proud of the volunteers who came all the way from Tracy to Boardwalk just to support our cause. We truly appreciate their time and efforts for helping us out".
Are You Ready For a Better Our Active Campaigns.

We bring comfort to those we serve each day by offering meals made with care and compassion.

We inspire opportunity by providing nourishing meals that uplift and empower those we serve toward a brighter future.
Team Member
Our Volunteers in Action

Making 200 Brown Bags
6th Aug 2023
The Salvation Army Haig & Isabel Berberian Shelter & Transitional Living Center

Delivered 200 Brown Bags
6th Aug 2023
Donation in Salvation Army, 320 9th St, Modesto, CA 95351

Making 50 Brown Bags
29th Oct 2023
Tracy Shelter, 370 Arbor Ave, Tracy, CA 95304

Delivered 50 Brown Bags
29th Oct 2023
Tracy Shetler, 370 Arbor Ave, Tracy, CA 95304
What We Do
We Make A Difference In Their Life
We make a difference in their lives. We change lives through kindness and support, making a positive impact that matters. Join us. Make the world better!
Make a difference in the lives of those around you by donating to people in our community. Your generous contributions will help support local initiatives, provide essential resources to those in need, and foster a stronger, more caring community for all.

Our Testimonial
What Our Shelter Officers Say?
Join Us And Let’S Make A Better World, Today
Donate to people In our community
High-School Club